Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Saiva Siddhanta philosophy

The central doctrine of the Saiva Siddhanta philosophy is
Shiva (Parama Athma) is the Supreme Reality (Nirguna Brahm)
Individual soul (jiva athma) is of the same essence as Shiva, but not identical. 
(Same but not equal)

  • Pati (God)
  • Pasu (soul)
  • Pasa (the bonds) and 
  • The thirty-six Tattvas or principles which constitute the world, are all real. 
Characteristics of the Supreme Reality:
The Supreme Reality(Nirguna Brahm) is called Shiva. 

That Shiva is infinite consciousness, eternal, changeless, formless, independent, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, one without a second, beginningless, causeless, taintless, self-existent, ever free, ever pure, perfect, timeless. Shiva is infinite bliss and infinite intelligence. Shiva is free from defects, the all-doer, the all-knower.  Shiva is Love. Shiva is the saviour and Guru. Shiva is engaged in freeing the souls from the thraldom of matter. Shiva assumes the form of a Guru out of Shiva's intense love for mankind. Shiva liberates the individual souls from their fetters or bonds. 

Shiva Activities are: 
  1. Creation
  2. Preservation
  3. Destruction
  4. Veiling
  5. Grace
 These, separately considered, are the activities of 
  1. Brahma
  2. Vishnu
  3. Rudra
  4. Maheshwara
  5. SadaShiva

Shiva, Shakti and Maya(Illusion): 
Shiva pervades the whole world by Shakti and is the conscious energy of the Shiva, that works through Shakti. 
  • Shiva is the first cause of the world. 
  • Shakti is the instrumental cause. 
  • Maya is the material cause. 
Shakti is not the material cause of the universe, because Shakti is of the nature of consciousness (Chaitanya). 
  • Shiva is pure consciousness
  • matter is pure unconsciousness
  • Shakti is the intermediate link between the two. 

Shakti is the reflex of Shiva. Both Shiva and Shakti has no independent existence.

 Like sun and its rays Shiva and Shakti co-exists. 

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